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El GM Brea es una reinterpretación femenina y modernizada de forma de la bolsa del doctor. Gracias a su gran capacidad, es muy funcional y adaptado a un uso comercial.

14.5 x 10.6 x 5.5

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This right here, folks, is why they hate us. And when I say “they,” I’m not talking about terrorists. I’m talking about everyone. Because there are few things more imminently hateable than a $450 beach towel. The Louis Vuitton Ipanema Beach Towel, to be specific.

And I totally get that&rsquo,Louis Vuitton bag;s it’s all in good fun and totally hilarious and kitschy, but seriously, a beach towel? Something made specifically for putting on the ground and messing up with Corona, sunscreen,Louis Vuitton Outlet, and sand? At this point, all it elicited from me was a serious eye-roll. I know that people with money to spend will spend it as they please, as well they should, but I think we may be beginning to stretch the bounds of reasonableness. Maybe I just feel like that because of the price, however – if this was $150, I probably just would have chuckled and moved on, and wouldn&rsquo,Louis Vuitton Handbags;t even be writing about it right now. But it’s not, it’s three times that, and that’s not a typo. It’s also something that I can simply not abide. Buy via Vuitton.com for $450.

